The Story follows the lives of seven young friends who come together to form a music band. They travel from town to town sharing their soul music, and as they encounter diverse situations they learn priceless truths about themselves and about the worlds around them.

Fingers, Claws, Key, Knight, Nitsirk/Queency, Re and their new social manager Awurabena form the main group members of the GI Band. They are the normal friends you’ll see on your way to work or school. The only difference is that they have a different response to the situations we face daily.

Turning inward for solutions, they transform using their God Given Gifts to manifest characters and super abilities to face the various obstacles in their path.



“The New City” is the first in a series of twelve adventurous chapters in which our friends are preparing for a major concert in a new city.

Each chapter opens up a new and exciting journey where they have to rely on their unique abilties and gifts to face the many challenges leading up to the event.

Let’s follow their lives and activities over this final week leading to the concert. Explore and discover the same things they discover. Strap yourselves in and get ready for the journey of your life.

Let the Adventure begin!